Birdbaths in the garden

birdbaths, fågelbad

Birdbath in the garden. The second birdbath in the background. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2018

During this hot and sunny summer (not ended yet…) it became obvious that the birds and the bees and the bumblebees need water. They got thirsty, like we humans too. I’ve always had birdbaths in the garden for that reason. Occasionally I’ve seen a bird or two drink from them, but seldom bathing. Now I’ve got two (2) birdbaths. But almost no birds. Stopped feeding them in the middle of the summer. It got too expensive.

birdbath, fågelbad

Birdbath. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2018

The green one above with the stone in it (an island for bees and bumblebees) I’ve had for a couple of years. Got via my neighbour from her ex-husbands sister who lives in a flat and don’t really needed it. Ceramics, glazed. A little bird on the edge of it.

birdbath, fågelbad

Birdbath. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2018

The second birdbath, above, is of concrete. Got that recently from my newest next-door neighbour. He got it from the previous owner of his flat who left it in the garden when they moved on. As the current neighbour didn’t use it and tucked it away under a bush and a jumping-platform, I asked if he wanted to keep it or if I could have it. He gladly gave it up and I moved it to my garden instead.

Both sit on top of pieces of old tree-trunks to get them up somewhat from the ground.

Do the birds use them? Not what I’ve seen. But the cats do. They love drinking from them.

Important with birdbaths (or drinking stations for the cats) is to regularly change the water in them so it is fresh and free of drowned insects. The green one I take in over winter as I am afraid it otherwise will freeze and crack. The concrete one I don’t think I have to take in over winter. It is concrete. Should withstand cold weather and snow and ice. I’ll leave it there.

The grass got green again after we finally got some rain. Grass is recuperating fast.

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