
The Thinker

thinker, rhodin

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin, at Valdemars udde, Stockholm, Sweden, in September 2010.  ©nini.tjader.2010

The above is a statue called The Thinker. It is placed at Valdemarsudde in Stockholm, Sweden. I wonder how many different “thinker” statues there are around the world. The two below are small figurines bought in Greece. One in heavy iron, the second in marble. Same idea as the statue by Rhodin… or? Or just a universal thinker pose…

The Thinker

5.5 cms high. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2014


10 cms high. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2014

Posted by nini in Art and Drawings, 0 comments