The old orchard


Photo: ©nini.tjader.2014

There is this old orchard in my previous hoods that I try to visit every year at this time of the year. It is a beautiful place when all the apple trees are in bloom. My main reason for visiting is to take photos of the trees and the flowers. When I lived closer to it, I did that over all the seasons, to compare from season to season. Now I only go there once a year, when the trees are in bloom.


Photo: ©nini.tjader.2014

Because of the early spring and the warm weather I was about a week and a half late this year. Some of the trees – those with pink and white flowers – were already done. Only the ones with white flowers were still in bloom, but soon done too. It is difficult to get there at the right time when you don’t live in the neighborhood any more.


Photo: ©nini.tjader.2014

It is a magic place. Reminds me of some scene in a Swedish film for children called “The Brothers Lionheart” from 1977. Somewhere in the film I think they were wandering through an orchard much like this one. But I might remember wrong.


PHoto: ©nini.tjader.2014

My oldest photos from the same spot of the same trees are from 2005 and can be found here. That is on my old site which is to be re-built as soon as I find the time for it.


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