
Pink interiors, no thanks


Pinks for pink interiors. Image borrowed from the internet.

Pink interiors anyone? This autumn the color pink seems to be THE color in interiors. You see it everywhere (see my previous post about terrible colors for yet another image with a pink kitchen).

There are plenty of different shades of pink around. Some are more red than pink. Other are more brown than pink, or more to the lilac.


Pink lilacs, spring 2016. Photo. ©nini.tjader.2016

I never liked pink interiors. Not now and not when I was younger and not when I was a little girl either. As a little girl I loved blue in all shades. I still do.


Pink interiors in a pink livingroom. Image borrowed from the internet.

I would never feel comfortable in a pink livingroom. I would want to turn around and get out of it as soon as possible.


Pink interiors, pink sofa. Image borrowed from the internet.

I wouldn’t even want just one pink object around in my interiors. Pink sofa? Shudder… One pink pillow then? Maybe, but no… please.


Pink interiors, pink wallpaper. Image borrowed from

Having a wallpaper with pink in is no better.

Pink in interiors used to be something that was used in the rooms of little girls or babies. Then it became THE color for a girls room, up to around the age of approximately 12 or so. Now the color pink has spread into all areas of living and interiors.  Kitchens, bathrooms, carpets, walls, livingrooms… Look at any magazine or website about interior design. Pink is there.


Hollyhock, summer 2016. Photo ©nini.tjader.2016

Will it stay? I doubt it. I can accept a pink t-shirt, and I find pink flowers in nature beautiful. Let the color pink stay in nature. Leave it out of the interiors please. I know I don’t have to use it because it is in fashion presently, but I don’t want to see it everywhere either.


Pink interiors. Image borrowed from the internet.

Baby pink in the livingroom? No thanks. Even this faded pink would make me wonder about the personality of the owner of the home. The images above are worse though.


Pinkflowering bush. Photo ©nini.tjader.2016

Pink plants and flowers then? Yes please, those are nice. The above is a bush at my neighbors which get large flowers. It is by the way flowering again right now in mid October. I’ve forgotten the name of the bush.


Pink interiors, pink wall. Image borrowed from the internet.

One pale pink wall then? No thanks. It is better but… well, it is still pink.

But in nature and in flowers it is a nice color. I just don’t like pink interiors. Let it stay in the nature on flowers.


Pink pelargonia. Photo: ©nini.tjader.2016

Posted by nini in decoration, Furniture and Decoration, Interior Design, Thoughts, 0 comments